Using Powershell to test connectivity March 18, 2025 Usually, I use Python for scripting, but this time I had to choose PowerShell for some reason. It is the first time I have…
Using Postman for Creating F5 Virtual Servers and Pools February 1, 2023 Postman is a powerful API development tool that can be used for creating and testing REST APIs. This tutorial will guide you through the…
Using WAF and GeoIP data to block specific countries November 21, 2022 One of the features that many WAFs have, is blocking traffic using GeoIP data. First, why would you need to do something like this?…
WAF(Web application firewall) for My Website November 7, 2022 Lately, I’ve been investigating ways to improve this website/blog’s security and I’ve remembered about WAF. I did some reading about this back in the…
Basic network setup for home April 12, 2021 Working from home has its challenges for sure and one of those is your home network setup. And let me explain why. When you…
nmap is a swiss knife August 12, 2020 Nmap, the popular port scanning tool, is more than that. Besides port scanning it can do much more: It can scan for vulnerabilities: Here…
openssl tools December 5, 2019 Under Linux and now also under Bash Windows 10 you have tools like OpenSSL. Besides generating certificates, this tool is quite useful for testing…
Useful cURL commands December 5, 2019 Working with ADC appliances and with web apps for sure you will need to do some testing. cURL is a nice tool you have…